Translator’s Jargon Buster - Part 1

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  • Translator’s Jargon Buster - Part 1

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7 Lessons

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Embark on your journey into the world of translation with our foundational course. Delve into essential terminology, unraveling the intricacies of translation versus interpretation, mastering CAT tools, and understanding the nuances of localization. This course equips you with the language and concepts vital for success in the dynamic translation industry, laying the groundwork for a rewarding career.

Translator’s Jargon Buster - Part 1


1 Lesson

Free course

In this Introduction you see the overview of the terms that we will be discussing in the course

Video lesson


5 Lessons

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Explanation of the term "Source Language"

Video lesson

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Explanation of the term "Target Language"

Video lesson

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Explanation of the term "ISO Codes

Video lesson

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Explanation of the term "CAT-Tool"

Video lesson

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Explanation of the term "Domain"

Video lesson


1 Lesson

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Summary and wrap up for the course

Video lesson


About the teacher

Sakshi Vaidya

Welcome! I'm Sakshi Vaidya, the founder of Be Translators and an advocate for the translation and localization industry. Holding a Master’s in Translation and Interpreting (English German) from Swansea University and a Bachelor’s in German Studies, I currently lead a team of successful Translation and Localization Project Managers. I've transitioned into a role where I focus on empowering translators to excel in their careers. At Be Translators, I dedicate myself to teaching essential skills for success in today’s rapidly evolving translation economy. Join me in discovering how to transform your passion for languages into a vibrant career.

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